
Here are some pages from my journals.

We cage animals to make zoos.

We trap fish to make aquariums.

We catch butterflies to make sanctuaries.

We leash dogs to make them our pets.

We jail birds in hopes of capturing freedom and touching divinity.

We enslave ourselves in bigoted social systems, meaningless hierarchies and banal tasks and call this a life.

Why do we humans have to imprison every living being?

Why do we try to take away the freedom of every soul?

The quality of a relationship is not measured by how long it lasted. Or even how it ended. It’s measured by how intensely you loved and connected to each other while it lasted.

I am a child of God.

I am a child of this earth.

I don’t want to be defined by a country.

Or nationality. Or ethnicity.

I just want to belong.

Belong to the air that I breathe.

Belong to the land I walk upon.

Belong to the sun that shines upon my skin.

Belong to the moon that guides my path.

Belong to the stars that I wish upon.

Belong to the ocean that’s an extension of my body.

Belong to the higher vibrations all around me.

I just want to finally belong.

To something greater than myself.

I’m a Rainbow Baby: born of the joyous optimism of the sun and the melancholic wisdom of the rain.

Just jump. The universe will catch you.

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